Opening Hours


100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You don’t pay for it unless you like it. Period.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You don’t pay for it unless you like it. Period.

Chem-Dry City West Opening Hours

At Chem-Dry City West we are happy to work around your schedule. If you require your carpets or upholstery cleaned after hours or at weekends please give us all at 01-2960252 call so we can find a time to suit your needs.

Monday 8.30 – 6.00 After-hours available

Tuesday 8.30 – 6.00 After-hours available

Wednesday 8.30 – 6.00 After-hours available

Thursday 8.30 – 6.00 After-hours available

Friday 8.30 – 6.00 After-hours available

Saturday 8.30 – 4.00 After-hours available

Sunday Available on request

Check out the Chem-Dry healthy home study 

Chem-Dry City West services Dublin South County!

Dublin 6W: Templeogue, Terenure

Dublin 12: Walkinstown, Perrystown, kimmage, Park West, Ballymount,

Dublin 16: Rathfarnham, Ballyboden, Knocklyon.

Dublin 20: Palmerstown,

Dublin 22: Clondalkin, Bawnogue, Newlands Cross, Nangor road, Naas road, Nielstown. 

Dublin 24: Firhouse, Ballycullen, Old Bawn, Tallaght, Kilnamanagh, Jobstown, Belgard, Kingswood, Saggart, City-West. 

Co Dublin-Brittas, Lucan, Newcastle, Rathcoole,

Chem-Dry Opening hours located in Dublin South County. Have your Upholstery & carpets cleaned and refreshed with at a time that suits you. Call Chem-Dry City West